Pyrot Boilers • Pyrotec Boilers • Resources
Viessmann may have started as a small family business in 1917, but today they are a true heavyweight in the wood boiler heating business, with over 11,000 employees spread across 11 countries and 120 sales offices scattered around the world. While they may be much larger today than they were a century ago, Viessmann still retains their core principles, and Obadiah’s is proud to have worked with them for many years.

Pyrot Boilers
The Pyrot is Viessmann’s rotating combustion wood-fired boiler, capable of burning wood fuel with a water content up to 35%. The Pyrot works by using an infeed auger that continuously moves the wood fuel onto a moving grate, where gasification of the fuel takes place. The combustion gases then rise into the rotating combustion chamber, where, through spin impulses of the rotation blower, the gases blend with precisely controlled secondary air, resulting in complete combustion.
Equivalent in quality to modern gas combustion, the advanced combustion process of the Pyrot water boiler also keeps emission levels and dust particles to a minimum. Plus, unlike oil or gas, wood is a CO2-neutral, renewable form of energy. Used with its digital, modulating-output control, the Pyrot biomass boiler achieves an efficiency of 85%.
- High efficiency with advanced combustion technology
- Triple-pass heat exchanger
- Modulating output control
- Automatic ignition
- Available in containerized package
- Fully-automatic rotating combustion wood-fired boiler
- Pneumatic cleaning system
- Flue gas deduster
- Variety of Models
- 30 or 60 psig
Pyrotec Boilers
The Pyrotec is an underfeed combustion wood-fired boiler, capable of burning wood fuel with a maximum water content of 50%. This boiler uses a burner trough with an attached external grate and a moving annealing grate to achieve optimal combustion. An infeed auger moves the wood fuel into the burner trough where the fuel is pre-dried and gasified under precisely controlled air (underfeed combustion). On the external and the moving annealing grate, the fuel completely gasifies. Precisely controlled secondary air is injected for full combustion and thermal energy is released into the boiler’s triple-pass heat exchanger.

- Advanced combustion technology
- Triple-pass heat exchanger
- Modulating output control
- Compressed firebricks with high alumina content
- Cast-chrome steel to handle hight tempratures
- Fully automatic deashing
- Automatic ignition
- Heavy duty constructions and components
- Pneumatic cleaning system
- Flue gas deduster
- 30 or 60 psig
Interested in a Viessmann Pyrot or Pyrotec Wood Boiler? Check out the following for more information!
Viessmann at Obadiah’s Woodstoves
Viessmann Wood Boiler Brochure – An informative brochure from Viessmann.(to download, right click and select “Save As…”)
Viessmann Specifications Manual – A technical manual for Viessmann Wood Boilers. (to download, right click and select “Save As…”)